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Winter nail colours: 7 ideas to inspire your next salon visit

Winter nail colours: 7 ideas to inspire your next salon visit

Hello, winter. The season everyone loves to hate has well and truly arrived. While not quite as fun and sassy as its pals spring and summer, it definitely doesn’t mean your beauty regime has to be anything close to blah. If you’ve found the recent cold snap has caused you to slack on your nail game, here’s a friendly little reminder that just because it’s not sandal and bikini weather, there’s no (zero, nada, zip) excuse to don a manky-mani.

When it comes to picking a polish for the colder months ahead, a general rule of thumb (nail) suggests you opt for shades that are a touch darker than what you might opt for during sunshine-filled seasons.
While this just might be proven true, we can’t help but lust after shades that will be sure to brighten even the dreariest of winter mornings (if anyone has a shade of nail polish that makes scrolling through Instagrams and Snapchats of friends on European escapades somewhat bearable, we are all ears).

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